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2021-12-03 14:44:21花卉百科1

Roses: love, love and beauty, radiant

Roses (red) : enthusiasm, love you I love you, love, hope and passion of love. You wucaichi

Roses (blue) : and gentle. Kindness.

Roses (pink) : moving, declaration for love, remember in heart, first love, like you shining smile

Roses (white) : innocence and purity, respect, humility

Roses (yellow) : infidelity, jealousy, happiness, happy, and apologize

Roses (purple) : melancholy dream and dream. Love.

Roses (bouquet) : happiness of love

Roses (orange) : shyness, offering you a mystery of love

Roses (bud) : beautiful and youthful

Roses (orange) : desire.

Roses (red + white) : there were

Roses (red + yellow) : happy

Roses (black) : you are evil, and for my all

Mei rose: pure love, beautiful love, good in bloom

Red roses: madly in love, enthusiasm, love you

Pink roses: first, courtship, love and special care

Yellow roses: nobility, beautiful or apology

Orange roses: rich green breath, first love mood

White roses: innocence and purity

Rose: pure green simplicity, in bloom, I only love you one

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