

发布时间:2023-05-22 12:42:06编辑:Anita归类:园林资讯


该方法的核心思想是,把建筑设计的全要素都变成某个函数的变量,通过改变函数,或者说改变算法,人们能够获得不同的建筑设计方案,简单理解为一种可以通过计算机技术自动生成设计方案的方法。标准的英语表达是:Parametric Design is designing by numbers.(Prof.Herr from ShenZhen University)

耳熟能详的各种建模软件如sketchup、犀牛、Bonzai3d、3dmax 和计算机辅助工具revit 、archicad 这些所谓的BIM,都属于“参数化辅助设计”的范畴,即使用某种工具改善工作流程的工具;这些虽能提高协同效率、减少错误、或实现较为复杂的建筑形体,但却不是真正的参数化设计。真正的参数化设计是一个选择参数建立程序、将建筑设计问题转变为逻辑推理问题的方法,它用理性思维替代主观想象进行设计,它将设计师的工作从“个性挥洒”推向“有据可依”;它使人重新认识设计的规则,并大大提高运算量;它与建筑形态的美学结果无关,转而探讨思考推理的过程。

建筑包括“功能”和“形式”两个大的领域。功能之间的相互作用,国内研究得很多。本科生大概都读过彭一刚写的《建筑空间组合论》。这种建筑空间的组合,实质上是 “功能空间”的组合,蕴含着一定的逻辑关系。如果从参数化设计的角度来看,这就已经具备可操作性了。我们可以把一个一个的功能空间定义出来,再把它们之间的逻辑关系定义出来,那么,在符合逻辑关系的条件下,功能空间有多少种组合方法?通过各种参数化设计的软件,我们能够得到许多种答案。但这还没完。

Parametric Design can provide us a lot of shapes, but you still need to choose from them.参数化设计可以给你提供许多种复合条件的形式,接下去,你必须进行选择。要么人工选择,要么就再增加新的参数进去,从而逐渐推导出所有条件都满足的那个形式。

















本人接受正规的美术设计教育,具有良好的美术功底及艺 术修养,思想政治良好,积极参加学校的各项活动,关心 集体,热爱同学,尊敬师长,热爱学习,努力进取,积极向 上,有良好的实践能力,能够根据公司的需要进行设计制 作,熟练掌握多种电脑制作软件,如AUTOCAD、SketchUp、 Photoshop、Core;draw等图形设计软件,能够高效率地完成 工作,有敏锐的洞察力,具有良好的沟通能力。性格开朗、 思维活跃、富有创作力,具有良好的团队意识,对工作具有 良好的责任心,喜欢挑战,适应能力强。 求职意向 希望从事教育、景观设计、室内外设计行业将所学知识回 报社会,并不断学习更多社会经验,不断提高自己


I accept the formal art and design education, has a good foundation of art and artistic accomplishment, ideological and political good, and actively participate in the activities of schools, care for the collective, the students love, respect teachers, love learning, and strive to forge ahead, positive, and a good practical ability, according to the company's need for design, master a wide range of computer software, such as AUTOCAD, SketchUp, Photoshop, Core; draw, such as graphic design software, able to efficiently complete the work, keen insight and good communication skills. And good humor, thinking active, rich creativity, the team has a good sense of the work has a good sense of responsibility, like challenges, and adaptable. Job-seekers wishing to engage the intention of education, landscape design, interior design industry will be outside the knowledge back to society, and continue to learn more social experience, and continuously improve their



我是环境艺术设计专业的一名05级应届本科毕业生,通过四年的学习尤其是两年的 专业课学习,我认为自己已基本掌握了室内外设计的一些基本知识,在校期间,我的总 成绩排在班中第五名的位置,各门功课都很优秀,获得过两次奖学金,虽然知识小小的 奖学金,但是这是对我学习阶段的一种肯定,我还利用课余时间,认真学习教育学和 心理学,并且通过了全国计算机1级考试,大学英语3级考试,和公共英语3级考试,还获得普通话二级乙等考试证书我想这是自己勤奋学习、好学并且刻苦努力的结果。

本专业所学的专业课程有:传统图案设计、计算机辅助设计、设计造型基础、中外 美术简史、构成基础、计算机技术基础、摄影基础、设计概论、工艺美术史、环境艺术 设计基础Ⅰ、建筑初步、环境艺术设计基础Ⅱ、人体工程学、室内设计Ⅰ、陶艺、公共 空间与展示设计、设计管理、室内设计家具设计、园林初步、城市景观设计、独立住宅 设计、小区景观设计、版面设计。

在2007年7月――2007年9月在浙江省xxxxx建筑工程集团的室内设计部门实习, 1.参与xxxxx室内设计; 2。参与投标方案的前期制作,中标后的方案辅助设计; 3.参与xxxxx村委办公楼室内设计; 4.大样图制作; 5.效果图分类; 6其他辅助设计。 虽然实习时间不长,但是学到了很多,也为今后的实际工作奠定了实践性基础。请 给予我一个机会,运用我所学的知识为贵公司服务,回报于社会。

Dear leaders:


I am a professional art and design environment, a 05 graduates this year, through four years of study in particular the two-year courses to learn, I think they have a basic grasp of the indoor and outdoor design of some basic knowledge, in-school period, my total score ranked fifth in class location, the subjects were excellent, received two scholarships, while knowledge of small scholarships, but this is a learning stage and I certainly, I also use after school hours, conscientiously study education and psychology, and the adoption of a national computer examinations, college English 3 exams, and public English 3 exams, also received two B Putonghua examination certificate I think this is their own to study diligently, studious and hard the result of the efforts.

What we learned in the professional courses are: the traditional graphic design, computer-aided design, design modeling foundation, A Brief History of Chinese and foreign art, which constitute the basis for the foundation of computer technology, photography, the basis for the design of Studies, the history of arts and crafts, environmental art and design based on Ⅰ, construction Preliminary, environmental art and design based on Ⅱ, ergonomics, interior design Ⅰ, ceramic art, public space and display design, design management, interior design, furniture design, landscape preliminary, urban landscape design, independent of residential design, residential landscape design, layout.

In 2007, 7 months - in September 2007 in Zhejiang province xxxxx Group's interior design construction sector internship, 1. Participation xxxxx interior design; 2. To participate in the bidding program of pre-production, the successful tenderer after the program aided design; 3. To participate in the village committee office interior design xxxxx; 4. The production of large samples; 5. The effect of map classification; 6 other aided design. Although the practice is not long, but learned a lot, but also for the future the actual work of laying the practical foundation. Please give me an opportunity to use my knowledge to your company services, return to the society.


I accept the formal art and design education, has a good foundation of art and artistic accomplishment, ideological and political good, and actively participate in the activities of schools, care for the collective, the students love, respect teachers, love learning, and strive to forge ahead, positive, and a good practical ability, according to the company's need for design, master a wide range of computer software, such as AUTOCAD, SketchUp, Photoshop, Core; draw, such as graphic design software, able to efficiently complete the work, keen insight and good communication skills. And good humor, thinking active, rich creativity, the team has a good sense of the work has a good sense of responsibility, like challenges, and adaptable. Job-seekers wishing to engage the intention of education, landscape design, interior design industry will be outside the knowledge back to society, and continue to learn more social experience, and continuously improve their

Dear leaders:


I am a professional art and design environment, a 05 graduates this year, through four years of study in particular the two-year courses to learn, I think they have a basic grasp of the indoor and outdoor design of some basic knowledge, in-school period, my total score ranked fifth in class location, the subjects were excellent, received two scholarships, while knowledge of small scholarships, but this is a learning stage and I certainly, I also use after school hours, conscientiously study education and psychology, and the adoption of a national computer examinations, college English 3 exams, and public English 3 exams, also received two B Putonghua examination certificate I think this is their own to study diligently, studious and hard the result of the efforts.

What we learned in the professional courses are: the traditional graphic design, computer-aided design, design modeling foundation, A Brief History of Chinese and foreign art, which constitute the basis for the foundation of computer technology, photography, the basis for the design of Studies, the history of arts and crafts, environmental art and design based on Ⅰ, construction Preliminary, environmental art and design based on Ⅱ, ergonomics, interior design Ⅰ, ceramic art, public space and display design, design management, interior design, furniture design, landscape preliminary, urban landscape design, independent of residential design, residential landscape design, layout.

In 2007, 7 months - in September 2007 in Zhejiang province xxxxx Group's interior design construction sector internship, 1. Participation xxxxx interior design; 2. To participate in the bidding program of pre-production, the successful tenderer after the program aided design; 3. To participate in the village committee office interior design xxxxx; 4. The production of large samples; 5. The effect of map classification; 6 other aided design. Although the practice is not long, but learned a lot, but also for the future the actual work of laying the practical foundation. Please give me an opportunity to use my knowledge to your company services, return to the society.




